The liver is an Organ weighing approximately 1.4 kg, found in the right upper abdomen, beneath the diaphragm. One of the critical functions of the liver is detoxification processing poisonous substances like alcohol and by-products in the breakdown of drugs to be to be eliminated via the kidneys or removed with the faeces. The liver is also Responsible for the production of bile to break down nutrients, in addition to controlling blood clotting, converting food to energy and keeping it as glycogen, and keeping fat-soluble vitamins like D and E. Any damage to the Liver may disturb its ability to function normally, and overtime may lead to scarring (cirrhosis), which may result in liver failure.
The Term lft test price in delhi describes a simple blood test that measures markers in your blood so as to evaluate and monitor liver damage. This Is among the most commonly ordered blood tests in Australia. LFTs Are performed for those who have, or are suspected to have, liver injury. Your physician may advise that you have the test if you have.
- Jaundice – Yellowish discolouration of your skin, the whites of your eyes and body fluids
- Suspected Infection – A viral disease causing inflammation and liver damage
- A family history of a genetic liver ailment — such as haemochromatosis, a genetic disorder in which too much iron is taken into the body possibly causing harm to the liver
- Illicit drug use – Persistent use of some drugs, such as heroin and steroids can lead to serious injury to the liver
- Obesity — obesity increases the risk of excessive fat in the liver, leading to a disease known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- An current liver disease — such as kidney cancer
- Been using drugs which may lead to damage to the liver — such as valproate or methotrexate, or paracetamol overdose
The Tests measure the levels of specific proteins and enzymes in your blood, such as. These are proteins produced in the liver. The four common enzymes used to detect liver disease are, Dysfunction outside the liver, potentially heart, gall bladder, or liver, Congestive heart failure or heart attack, Liver dysfunction, Excessive muscle breakdown e.g. weight training, Glandular fever. Alkaline phosphatase Form of enzymes shaped From the liver, bones, gut, skin and placenta. Liver Dysfunction, could result from hepatitis, use of certain medications, or liver cancer Bile duct obstruction, Bone disease, Gut malabsorption, Shingles.